Drought: Facts, Types/Causes, Impact, Challenges and Way Forward

Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low precipitation, resulting in a scarcity of water that adversely affects the environment, agriculture, and human activities. It is characterized by dry and arid conditions, reduced water availability, and increased water stress leading to dehydration of soil, plants, and water sources. Facts related to the Drought: • Officially, … Read more

Plastic Pollution:

Plastic pollution is the process by which plastic materials enter and contaminate ecosystems,disrupting the balance of the ecological system. Facts About Plastic Pollution: • As per the Earth Action, 98.55% of generated waste being mismanaged in India. • Out of the 12 countries of the World, primarily known for mismanaged of plastic waste, among those … Read more

Municipal Solid Waste Management: Current Scenario, Issues And Measures needed to tackle the Solid Waste.

Solid Waste has been major concern of the Urban Local Bodies. Generation of Waste per day from Large Metropolis like Mumbai and Delhi is 9,000 metric tonnes and 8,300 metric tonnes respectively. Current Scenario of Municipal Solid Waste:• Focus of Urban Local Bodies in India has been greatly on the collection and transportation of solid … Read more